Planned Giving - St. Joseph School Seattle

Planning for Tomorrow Starts Today

For over 100 years, St. Joseph School has dedicated itself to educating the whole child—fostering intellectual growth, a strong moral compass, and the courage to change the world for the better. By including St. Joseph School in your estate plans, you support an environment where students can achieve their God-given potential.

Planned gifts are charitable contributions that become part of your financial planning today, offering benefits for you now and for St. Joseph School in the future. Leaving a legacy gift helps extend your generosity for generations to come. Planned giving is designed to help you thoughtfully arrange your estate and charitable donations to benefit not just you and your family but also the causes that matter to you. With various options for planned giving to St. Joseph School, you can support our mission while enjoying potential tax and income benefits.

Make an Impact

Consider joining the St. Joseph School Legacy Society. By including St. Joseph School in your estate plans, you commit today to the future of our school. For example, you could name St. Joseph School as a beneficiary of your:

  • Will or trust
  • IRA or other retirement plan
  • Life insurance policy

Let's Connect

We understand that planning a legacy gift is a significant decision for families, and we're here to support you. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about planned giving, please don’t hesitate to reach out—we’re happy to help in any way we can.

Jennifer Wathen
Director of Advancement 
206.329.3260 x268

Unlock the Power of Planned Giving: Transform Your Charitable Impact

Melissa Hilty, J.D., LLM, Evergreen Gavekal, Wealth Management & Investment Advisors

As philanthropic giving continues to play a vital role in supporting charitable organizations and causes around the world, savvy donors are increasingly turning to planned giving and strategic tax planning to maximize the impact of their contributions. These integrated approaches to charitable giving offer a range of significant benefits, making them an essential consideration for anyone looking to create a lasting legacy through their philanthropic efforts.

One of the primary advantages of planned giving is the ability to unlock valuable tax benefits for the donor. By structuring charitable gifts through vehicles like bequests, charitable trusts, and life insurance policies, donors can reduce their taxable estate and lower their overall tax burden. This not only provides immediate financial relief, but also ensures that a greater portion of the donor’s wealth is directed towards the causes they care about, rather than being siphoned off in the form of taxes.

Moreover, planned giving strategies can allow donors to maintain a degree of control over how their assets are distributed after they’re gone. Through mechanisms like charitable remainder trusts and donor-advised funds, individuals can ensure that their philanthropic wishes are honored in perpetuity, even as their personal circumstances and the landscape of charitable organizations evolve over time. This level of customization and long-term planning is a hallmark of effective planned giving and can provide great peace of mind for donors.

Ultimately, the importance of planned giving and strategic tax planning lies in a donor’s ability to transform charitable contributions into powerful tools for creating positive, lasting change. By leveraging the expertise of financial, tax, and legal professionals, donors can craft comprehensive philanthropic strategies that not only advance their favorite causes, but also protect their own financial interests and legacy. As the demands on the nonprofit sector continue to grow, this holistic approach to giving will only become more essential in the years to come.